Self Help Books on Communication And People Skills

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Coping with Difficult People : In Business and in Life
Author(s) Robert M. Bramson
Publisher The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group
Published 1981
ISBN 0385173628
Body Language
Author(s) Julius Fast
Publisher M Evans & Company
Published 2002
ISBN 0871319829
Opening Up : The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions 2nd
Author(s) James W. Pennebaker
Edition 2nd
Publisher Guilford Publications
Published 1997
ISBN 1572302380
Publisher Penguin Random House
Published 2000
ISBN 1585420611
Coping with Difficult People : In Business and in Life
Author(s) Robert M. Bramson
Format Hardcover
Publisher The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group
Published 1981
ISBN 0385173628

Body Language
Author(s) Julius Fast
Format Paperback
Publisher M Evans & Company
Published 2002
ISBN 0871319829

Opening Up : The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions 2nd
Author(s) James W. Pennebaker
Edition 2nd
Format Paperback
Publisher Guilford Publications
Published 1997
ISBN 1572302380

Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say : Destroying Myths, Creating Love
Author(s) Warren Farrell
Format Paperback
Publisher Penguin Random House
Published 2000
ISBN 1585420611

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