Self Help Books on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

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Price compare 30 stores plus find study aids, guided solutions, reviews and more.

Edition 4th
Published 2004
ISBN 161592065X
Edition 3rd
Publisher Wilshire Book Company
Published 1975
ISBN 0879800429
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2021
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 2nd
Author(s) Ellis
Edition 2nd
Format ebook
Published 2019

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 4th
Author(s) Albert Ellis
Edition 4th
Format Ebook
Published 2004
ISBN 161592065X

Deliberate Practice in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Author(s) Mark Terjesen et al.
Format Paperback
Published 2023

The REBT Pocket Companion for Clients, 2nd Edition
Author(s) Windy Dryden et al.
Format Paperback
Published 2022

A Guide to Rational Living 3rd
Edition 3rd
Format Paperback
Publisher Wilshire Book Company
Published 1975
ISBN 0879800429

The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger : A Step-By-Step Program for Success
Author(s) William J. Knaus et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2021

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