Self Help Books on Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Publisher Routledge
Published 2008
Publisher American Psychological Association
Published 2006
ISBN 1591474507
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2013
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2015
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2016
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2017
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2017
Think You're Crazy? Think Again : A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis
Author(s) Anthony P. Morrison et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher Routledge
Published 2008

What to Do When You Grumble Too Much : A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Negativity
Author(s) Dawn Huebner et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher American Psychological Association
Published 2006
ISBN 1591474507

The Anti-Anxiety Workbook : Proven Strategies to Overcome Worry, Phobias, Panic, and Obsessions
Author(s) Martin M. Antony et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher Guilford Publications
Published 2008

Anxiety and Avoidance : A Universal Treatment for Anxiety, Panic, and Fear
Author(s) Michael A. Tompkins
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2013

The Gender Quest Workbook : A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity
Author(s) Rylan Jay Testa et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2015

End the Insomnia Struggle : A Step-By-Step Guide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep
Author(s) Colleen Ehrnstrom et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2016

Conquer Negative Thinking for Teens : A Workbook to Break the Thought Habits That Are Holding You Back
Author(s) Mary Karapetian Alvord et al.
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2017

The Resilience Workbook : Essential Skills to Recover from Stress, Trauma, and Adversity
Author(s) Glenn R. Schiraldi
Format Paperback
Publisher New Harbinger Publications
Published 2017

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